Why use Self Assessment?


HMRC-recognised Self Assessment software


Helpful advice and guidance present, in easy to complete forms

Making Self Assessment Easier

AbraTax offers free HMRC-recognised, cloud-based tax software for your personal Self Assessment, currently supporting users who are required to report their employment (form SA102), self-employment (form SA103S) earnings or property income (form SA105), in addition to other incomes in the main tax return form, e.g. dividends and interest (SA100). Our system is simple and easy to use, with no cost.

Benefits of Our MTD Excel Bridging Software

No cost

Our software is completely free to use.

Secure & cloud based

Access from anywhere and using any device

Easy and straightforward to use

Helpful guidance present in forms throughout.

Live form checks

Our systems validate input minimising the chance of errors on your personal tax return.

Multiple returns

Submit returns to different people such as family members in one place.

Illustration of documents being uploaded to the computer

How It Works


Register for an account.


Complete your personal information.


Tell us about your income circumstances.


Allow our systems to automatically calculate the tax due.


Submit your return.


Which forms do you support?

We currently support forms SA100, SA102 (for employment), SA103S (self-employment short version) and SA105 (property income).

Why can’t I see my tax return on the HMRC portal yet?

The HMRC systems take 2–3 days to process returns and display them on your account with them.

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